
Choreography and Performance: Marie Elise Hufnagel

Music by J.S Bach

Music Arrangement: Gregor Fussenegger and Ashley do Rego  

Camera/Editing: bernau-photography

„Chaconne" investigates transformational processes of grief and the embodiment of emergent feelings associated with the emotion: denial. functioning. continuation. exhaustion. deep sorrow. suppression. recurrence. striving for normality. immobility. anger. hope. idealization. liberation.'

In the choreography as well as in the music, grief is divided into three parts: grief, hope, and peace and is being interpreted by the involving artists in the piece.

The choreography aims to take Bach’s famous artwork into a contemporary context by arranging the music, adding electronic sounds, and interpreting the work into contemporary dance.

Trailer Chaconne

 Funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in the NEUSTART KULTUR program, the DIS-TANZEN aid program of the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland 




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