CATCALLING - verbal sexual harassment in public space

What feelings do you experience after a catcalling experience?

Where do these feelings manifest in your body?

Do you have a catcalling experience that you would like to share?

When people tell you about a catcalling experience, how do you respond to them or what advice do you give them?

What do you think are methods to create more awareness about catcalling?

Can art help as a medium of expression to process catcalling experiences, and if so, how?

This Research Project explores the topic of Catcalling and examines how the experiences, as well as the resulting feelings after a Catcalling experience, affect the body and mind. How does the body process these negative experiences in expression through movement? The examination opens up a discourse that creates more awareness for this topic, allowing those affected a space of emerging feelings.


Performance with Tabea Antonacci and Bianca Bauer

Concept / Direction : Marie Elise Hufnagel

Thank you

Melanie Sidhu, Lorraine Töpfer, Isabella Campestrini, Philine Hufnagel, Manon Antonacci, Tabea Antonacci, Pauline Beigel, Jannik Rodenwaldt and Bianca Bauer

for your trust and giving this topic your individual voice.

Music: Music for Tundra Pt.1 / Tim Hecker


This project was supported within the framework of the scholarship program of the Free State of Bavaria “Young Art and New Ways“.


